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Mental Health: Pissing you off even after you've been discharged.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Mental Health: Pissing you off even after you've been discharged.

Long time no write...blah blah.

I got discharged from Outpatient services in June.  Wasn't really a big deal.  As I had told myself and many others, I've been doing this shit on my own for the last three years anyway.

It all went along smoothly and it felt good.  GP was happy to take over medication care.  I was happy that she was competent enough to do it.  MH were happy that she was happy.

Cue last Thursday.  I got a phone call from my GP office that she wanted to see me ASAP.  The earliest I could get in was Monday.  I was apprehensive as I had no idea why she would need to see me after receiving a discharge summary.

Cue hissy fit.  As usual MH had fucked up majorly.  They had said that I was discharged from inpatient services.  They also said that I had self harmed extensively, leaving out the crucial word HISTORY.

I haven't self harmed since September 2008, something that is quite an achievement.  To have these incompetent arseholes place this in jeopardy really pissed me off.  The ramifications really could have been worse than me just being pissed off.  What if my GP had decided that she would give children's services a call? What would they have done? 

I'm glad to be done with them.  My blood pressure can't handle too much more of it.

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