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Fix You

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Fix You

Through the BabyCentre forums I got to know a wonderful mum and began to follow the plight she faced and fought everyday to help her son with Autism.  She faced waiting list after waiting list, some up to 2 years long before anyone could provide her with the building blocks she needed to help her son become all that he could be.

She. Never. Gave. Up.

According to the 2009 Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers (SDAC), an estimated 64, 600 Australians have Autism.  This is double the amount surveyed in 2003. The majority of the care of those diagnosed falls to the family. Formal carers provided less than a third of the care.  According to statistics only 2,200 people diagnosed with Autism receive daily formal care.  The rest falls to an often overworked, stressed family member.

Public waiting lists are long, private care is expensive.  Most families can't provide the care their child deserves.  My friend decided enough was enough and took things into her own hands.  She began fundraising, raising awareness and never stopped fighting so that her son could get the care he needed.  I am constantly in awe of everything she does for her family.

  Here is a video she had created the explains the plight more than I ever could.

If you wish donate please head over to their Facebook page: Ipads 4 Autism

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At 19 March 2012 at 21:10 , Anonymous Jamie Jordan said...

Jacob is very lucky to have a fierce mom on his side.  He looks very happy.  

At 19 March 2012 at 21:15 , Anonymous Teegs_88 said...

Fierce doesn't even begin to describe Jacobs Mum :)


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