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Wednesday, 14 March 2012


Over the course of my obsession with food and weightloss, I think that I have read just about all literature and heard every line about how to achieve wellness.  A comment today sat me on my arse and made me think hmmmm.

What was that comment you ask? It was a reply to a post on an online forum about healthy eating that told the poster if she wanted to ensure her diet was healthy, then she needed to go through her cupboard and fridge and throw out the junk.  That wasn't the mind blowing statement.  This was: If you think it's bad for you, then you shouldn't be giving it to your kids either.


We have it ingrained into our head that the kids need to eat healthy blah blah blah but whenever mummy or daddy goes on a diet, they don't eat the same food because we don't want to have to 'punish' them or deprive them of anything.  

I ask you this however.  What are you really depriving them of?

By removing junk food as a staple food item you are depriving them of the likely hood of being an overweight adult, of having high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes 2, heart attack...the list goes on. 

Doesn't seem so bad now does it?

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At 16 March 2012 at 01:31 , Anonymous Jamie Jordan said...

Wow, that is pretty mindblowing.  What an excellent leg up you are giving them in the world by teaching them healthy habits to take into adulthood.  Personally I like junk, and I like healthy food.  I eat on the go alot.  But when I'm at home I like to make healthy food.  I'm going to start really thinking about what I am eating though.

At 16 March 2012 at 01:56 , Anonymous Jenn Flynn-Shon said...

It is true that there can be hypocritical reactions to kids diets, as if children will never eat a salad or vegetables.  Or whatever it is that Mum/Dad feel is best while they're on their path to getting healthy.  When I was a kid my mom put food in front of me.  If I ate it then I was full.  If I didn't then I went to bed hungry.  The end.  There was no requesting different food or getting chicken fingers every night because that was the only thing I ate.  Kids can be overly coddled these days and it makes me sad for the parents, those kids who only get what they want all the time are the ones who will have to take care of them when they’re old.  And if they decide they don’t want to, well, you get my point I’m sure.
Anyway, discovered you at purebloggers.  You’ll might cringe at my latest post but I hope you have a chance to poke around over at my blog too.  Enjoying yours!

At 16 March 2012 at 08:04 , Anonymous Teegs_88 said...

My son eats what's in front of him or he goes to bed hungry as well. My mum used to cook 3 different meals to accommodate everyone's different preferences. That is something that I do not intend to start anytime soon.

At 16 March 2012 at 08:06 , Anonymous Teegs_88 said...

Everything in Moderation is the key. It's ok to have junk food and completely cutting it out of their diet doesn't do anything for them as we all know that once we aren't allowed something, then we crave it.  

At 16 March 2012 at 12:38 , Anonymous Jamie Jordan said...

A friend of mine is raising her kids vegan, and they don't even look at food that if off limits.  They don;t crave it, they do not know it.  Though her husband... he craves:)  


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