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Wednesday, 29 February 2012


After a massive amount of stalling and not knowing where we are going with the moving in front...we have progress!

It's slow going at the moment, as property is in hot demand at the moment and as we aren't in a hurry we can afford to be picky.  

We have however started the dreaded task of packing and decluttering.  We have two houses to pack up..this shit is going to take forever.

I have been making money out of it however.  I've been going through my stuff and anything that I don't want but is still in good condition then I sell it.  I've made $120 so far.  That is going into my drinking/kid free weekend kitty.

I'm so excited an it has given me something to look forward to and work towards.  I cannot wait to be a family unit.  To have Paul come home to us every night.  To not have to ration our time over the weekends anymore.  Sure after a couple of weeks we will probably be at each others throats...I'm gonna love it :)

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