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Self Harm FFS

Friday, 30 November 2012

Self Harm FFS

Hi! This week I decided to do FFS a little differently and did a Vlog.  I was scared as hell and it took me about 50 takes to do.  Devil Spawn also kept running from my bedroom to the bathroom through the whole thing.  I haven't rewatched it for fear that I will delete it, so here I am in all my rawness.

Those who self harm may find the following Vlog triggering.  If you or someone you know is at risk of self harm please seek professional help.

Linking up with Dear Baby G 

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At 30 November 2012 at 11:55 , Blogger Ness said...

I found that really insightful and helpful. I have a friend who self harms. I've never totally understood what she might be going through. Thanks for sharing and giving some insight.

At 30 November 2012 at 17:05 , Anonymous Ang said...

I was one of those ignorant people. Not one of those who say 'suck it up' or anything like that, just ignorant to the fact that that these things happen in life. I lived a reasonably sheltered life in the sense that our family was mostly just us who lived in our house and I didn't see things like alcohol abuse or self harm etc to know they existed. The extent of my eye opening was that my dad smoked weed but I rarely seen him anyway so was not directly affected by it.

I can see you really struggled in some parts, but that is to be expected when talking about something so personal which is widely misunderstood, especially on camera.

All in all though you did a great job and got your point across :)


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