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FFS Friday: It's been a while

Friday, 31 August 2012

FFS Friday: It's been a while

It's been a while since I have done a FFS Friday and honestly I have no idea why.  They are the easiest post to write because I always have something to rant about. Always.

DS is still engaging in massive sleep dodging techniques.  An early night here is 11pm FFS.

What we do during the day has no bearing on whether or not he decides to go to sleep at a reasonable time or not. So stop suggesting that we get out more. FFS

The house hunting has come to a grounding halt because all of the houses in our price range are shit. FFS

My house looks like a bomb has hit it and I don't have the energy to clean it. Something that DS seems to be playing on by pulling out ALL OF THE TOYS. FFS

If you don't have the balls to stand behind an insult you sling at someone, then don't say it.  This is real life people.  Highschool ended years ago. FFS

The only way that we have gotten DS to sleep through lately is by putting on a movie.  Don't tell me about your studies. It will make me want to punch you. Repeatedly. FFS

I was filling in DS enrollment forms for daycare this morning and the only thing I could think of that he does well is "Annoy the fuck out of his mother". That's probably not acceptable.  I don't want to act like a complete bogan. Yet. FFS.

What's been pissing you off this week?  
P.s completely forgot to add the linky for you to check out all the other awesomeness FFS 
Awesomeness of FFS Friday 

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At 31 August 2012 at 09:39 , Anonymous GlossQueen said...

Sleep problems are the worst!

At 31 August 2012 at 12:55 , Anonymous ann said...

my 3 year old was exactly like that bedtime was a drama.  i used to wear the little sucker out all day thinking he would go to bed early for sure but no!!  he then pulled a complete 180 and now will go to bed at 630 every night for about the last 2 months.  bloody kids!!

At 31 August 2012 at 14:04 , Anonymous Teegs_88 said...

 Bloody kids alright! The only thing wearing him out all day does is make me tired on top of having to stay up late with him.  I hope your little man continues to sleep well for you.


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